Tag archives for php
Osclass admin listing page – Change number of Listings
Locate File: oc-admin/themes/modern/ Locate the lines: <select name="iDisplayLength" class="select-box-extra select-box-medium float-left" onchange="();" > <option value="10"><?php printf(__('%d Listings'), 10); ?></option> <option value="25" <?php if( Params::getParam('iDisplayLength') == 25 ) echo 'selected'; ?>…
Backend app with AdminLte, yii2-admin user and some extended classes
Today, I am not going to give any DOC or installation guideline. You can check the demo at Surely you can give a look at the code. Code is available…
Yii2 – adding icon in menu with yii2-simpleapp class
I have worked to enhance the yii2 core Nav class for adding extra parameter that will get icon class for the menu items. You can find it at: SimpleNav -…
Yii2 advancedApp with Yii2 admin, user and few more
This is a yii2 advanced application template based app comes with pre-installed RBAC (mdmsoft/yii2-admin), User profile (dektrium/yii2-user), upload files plugin (mdmsoft/yii2-upload-file) and few more coming to boostup initial development time.…
Composer and php environment variable fix
You may face some issues while installing yii2-simple or even installing yii2 itself, due to some development environment issues. For developing app with Yii2, first you should check if git…
Yii2 simpleApp with Yii2 admin, user, AdminLTE and few more
This is a pre-configured Yii2 app with UserProfile with RBAC package. I have created a yii2 package with RBAC, UserProfile and few more features. Most projects might be need these…