Composer and php environment variable fix
You may face some issues while installing yii2-simple or even installing yii2 itself, due to some development environment issues.
For developing app with Yii2, first you should check if git and composer installed in your system. For windows users, you should set php and composer into your system environment path. Lets see the checklist:
1. Git
Download from:
N.B. while installing git in windows, its better if you install it ensuring that it works not only with the git console, but also in “command prompt”(windows default) as well.
2. Composer
Download from:
3. Setup System Environment:
Set PHP and Composer to windows system environment path
For windows 7/8 users:
a. go to My Computer
->[click on right button] ->Properties
b. Click on Advanced System Settings
-> Advanced Tab
-> Environment Variables
c. Check the System Variables section
, find out/select Path
, click Edit
d. check your php and composer path, in my case these are: C:\xampp\php;C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin;
yours can be different.
e. Add php and composer path to the end of the line. then click on save.
Hope these steps will setup your system variables
Run the following command to fix some composer asset plugin/bower issues:
C:/xampp/php/php.exe C:/ProgramData/ComposerSetup/bin/composer.phar global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:1.0.*@dev"
alternatively, if your system variable works, then you can run simple version:
composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:1.0.*@dev"
this will fix some asset-plugin/bower issues.
Also run
composer self-update
or alternatively:
Hope your development environment is perfectly set for using composer for your projects.
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