This is a yii2 advanced application template based app comes with pre-installed RBAC (mdmsoft/yii2-admin), User profile (dektrium/yii2-user), upload files plugin (mdmsoft/yii2-upload-file) and few more coming to boostup initial development time.

Before start installation procedure, make sure composer and git is installed properly. Check this: Composer and php environment variable fix

Yii2 AdvancedApp Installation

1. Clone or download the GitHub repo and extract it in your webroot.
2. Install the scripts simply by one 2 words command

composer install

and then run


3. Create a Database named yii2_advance or as your preferred and update the db config.
4. To get rid of the access control issues with console application (e.g.
yii migrate
), in the file your-app-path/yii comment out the line require(__DIR__ . '/common/config/main.php'), in config marge function $config = yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge
The $config var in application root yii file will look like this:

$config = yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge(
//    require(__DIR__ . '/common/config/main.php'), // Commented to avoid yii-admin access controll issues
    require(__DIR__ . '/common/config/main-local.php'),
    require(__DIR__ . '/console/config/main.php'),
    require(__DIR__ . '/console/config/main-local.php')

5. Run all DB migration simply by

yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/azraf/yii2-simpleapp/migrations/initials

After the migration task complete, we can revert the yii $config, that we have done in step 4. But have to keep in mind that, if further console command needed, we have to do the step 4 again.

You have all set! Now try it.


1. You can change the mdm\yii2-admin web access path by setting any custom word instead of admin in the line $mdmAdminPath = 'admin'; of the config file:


2. Then browse to http://[YOUR-APPLICATION-PATH]/index.php/admin/ in your browser. If you have changed the $mdmAdminPath value in config, then change the URL accordingly.

3. Configure Yii2-admin as your need, set Permission/Roles and assign them to User

4. After configuration complete, comment out the line in your configuration file’s 'as access' part.

    'as access' => [
        'class' => 'mdm\admin\components\AccessControl',
        'allowActions' => [
//          $mdmAdminPath.'/*'', // ::: IMPORTANT :::: Make it disable after configuring the USER Roles/Permissions

Now you all set!

Status and Related Resource Links

1. Yii2-user
Status: DONE, works well with Yii2-admin
GitHub repo:

2. Yii2-admin
Status: DONE, works well with Yii2-user
GitHub repo:

3. yii2-simpleapp
Status: DONE. This package contains some migration scripts that simplify the setup process and some extending core classes to add extra methods to controllers.
GitHub repo:

4. AdminLTE
Status: Not published yet, fixing some JS conflicts.
GitHub repo:

I will come with detailed guideline.

Yii2-advancedapp GITHub Repo

