This is a pre-configured Yii2 app with UserProfile with RBAC package.

I have created a yii2 package with RBAC, UserProfile and few more features. Most projects might be need these features. Therefore, I am making it available for all. You may download that from

Yii2 Simple Installation

1. Clone or download the GitHub repo and extract it in your webroot.
2. Install the scripts simply by one 2 words command

composer install

If you have any issue with composer, please check this post to fix that- Composer and php environment variable fix
3. Create a Database named yii2simple or as your preferred and update the config in config/db.php
4. Run all DB migration simply by

yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/azraf/yii2-simpleapp/migrations/initials

You have all set! Now try it.

To run update, open command prompt or terminal, go to the project directory, and run
composer update. All repository will be updated.


1. uncomment the line 'admin/*' of config/web.php :

'as access' => [ 
    'class' => 'mdm\admin\components\AccessControl', 
    'allowActions' => [ 
    // 'admin/*', // ::: IMPORTANT :::: Make it disable after configuring the USER Roles/Permissions

2. Then browse to http://[YOUR-APPLICATION-PATH]/index.php/admin/ in your browser

3. Configure Yii2-admin as your need, set Permission/Roles and assign them to User

4. After configuration complete, comment out the line again in your configuration

// 'admin/*', // ::: IMPORTANT :::: Make it disable after configuring the USER Roles/Permissions

Now you all set!

Status and Related Resource Links

1. Yii2-user
Status: DONE, works well with Yii2-admin
GitHub repo:

2. Yii2-admin
Status: DONE, works well with Yii2-user
GitHub repo:

3. yii2-simpleapp
Status: DONE. This package contains some migration scripts that simplify the setup process and some extending core classes to add extra methods to controllers.
GitHub repo:

4. AdminLTE
Status: Not published yet, fixing some JS conflicts.
GitHub repo:

I will come with detailed guideline.

Yii2-simple GITHub Repo

Hope you all have enjoyed it. 🙂

